Ara Medical Clinic – We are a group of medical professionals, dedicated to serving our community by helping each and every one of our patients to live long, healthy lives. We believe that the time and effort we spend preventing illness will pay far-reaching dividends for our patients in the future. To this end, our group of obesity and lifestyle focused physicians and allied health professionals offer a variety of services. Physician visits are covered by Manitoba Health (Allied Health visits are private pay)
1170 Taylor Avenue, Unit 10, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3M 3Z4, CA
(431) 478-1550
Il peut y avoir des frais associés aux programmes offerts par cette clinique.
*Mon Poids – Ce Que Je Dois Savoir n’est affilié à aucune des cabinets médicaux énumérés, ne soutient aucun professionnel de la santé énuméré et n’est pas responsable de la conduite des professionnels de la santé dans ces établissements.